Access Point Instructions for Fortigate
This page explains the Captive Portal configuration for Fortigate hardware and authentication via IronWiFi.
IronWiFi Console Configuration
- Log into the IronWiFi console or register for free
- Create a new network
- After that, create a new captive portal, with vendor FortiGate
Access Point Configuration
!IMPORTANT: You need FortiOS v5.6 or above in order to proceed.!
Please log in to your FortiGate web interface and click User & Device > RADIUS Servers on the left menu. Click Create New and configure with:
- Name - guestradius
- Primary Server - get this value from the IronWiFi console
- Primary Shared Secret - get this value from the IronWiFi console
- Secondary Server - get this value from the IronWiFi console
- Secondary Shared Secret - get this value from the IronWiFi console
- Authentication Method - Specify
- Method - PAP
Click OK to Save.
Next, you will need to configure custom RADIUS authentication port. This can be done in the CLI interface.
More information:
config system global
set radius-port <integer>
Next, click on User Groups and Create New. Configure with:
- Name - guestgroup
- Type - Firewall
Under Remote groups click Create New and under Remote Server choose guestradius. Click OK to Save.
Next, click Policy & Objects > IP. Click Create New > Address. Configure with:
- Category - Address
- Name - guestonline
- Type - IP/Netmask
- Subnet / IP Range -
- Interface - any
- Show in Address List - Enabled
Click OK to Save. Next, click Create New > Address again and configure with:
- Category - Address
- Name - Your splash page's hostname
- Type - FQDN
- FQDN - Your splash page's hostname
Click OK to Save.
Next, under Addresses click Create New > Address Group. Configure with:
- Category - IPv4 Group
- Group Name - guestwhitelist
- Members - click the + button and select all the domains you added earlier.
Click OK to Save.
Next, click WiFi & Switch Controller > SSID on the left. Click Create New > SSID. Configure with:
- Interface Name - guestwifi
- Type - WiFi SSID
- Traffic Mode - Tunnel to Wireless Controller
- Address -
- DHCP Server - Enabled
- DNS Server - Specify:
- SSID - Guest WiFi (or whatever you wish)
- Security Mode - Captive Portal
- Portal Type - Authentication
- Authentication Portal - External: get this value from the IronWiFi console
- User Groups - guestgroup
- Broadcast SSID - Enabled
- Block Intra-SSID Traffic - Enabled
- Redirect after Captive Portal - Specific URL: get this value from the IronWiFi console
Click OK to Save. Next, under IPv4 Policy click Create New. Configure with:
- Name - guestwifi
- Incoming Interface - Guest WiFi (guestwifi)
- Outgoing Interface - wan1 (your WAN connection)
- Source - all
- Destination Address - guestwhitelist
- Schedule - always
- Service - ALL
- Action - ACCEPT
- Enable this policy - Enabled
Click OK to Save. Click Create New again and configure with:
- Name - guestwifionline
- Incoming Interface - Guest WiFi (guestwifi)
- Outgoing Interface - wan1 (your WAN connection)
- Source - guestonline
- Destination Address - all
- Schedule - always
- Service - ALL
- Action - ACCEPT
- Enable this policy - Enabled
Click OK to Save.
The configuration is now complete.
! You must also install a valid SSL certificate on your controller/AP, in order to avoid authentication issues !